About the Museum
History of the Museum
The late Richard and Hasell Atwell started their collection in Calne where they lived for the whole of their lives. It began with the purchase of the 1937 Buick Albermarle, which is still at the Museum. Soon the original collection of cars grew, first by the addition of the 1934 Vauxhall 14/6, then with the 1931 Singer Junior and others followed.
In 1972 the first car was provided for a family wedding and this led to the establishment of a thriving Wedding Car Fleet.
In 1989 the main hall of the Museum was completed, followed by the final expansion in 2003 funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Museum now houses over 100 cars and motorcycles. In addition there is a 1930’s style garage plus cycles and a good range of motoring memorabilia.
The Museum has been run as a charity since 1997 and this has ensured its continuing growth and sustainability. The Museum and site is managed and operated by a wholly voluntary team of Directors, museum staff and, most significantly, by a group of volunteers who are members of the museum and who help to operate and maintain the site, the vehicle collections and to raise funds.

Museum Library Resources
The contents of the museum Library have been catalogued and are now available by clicking the View Resources button below.
These files can be accessed by anyone and are available to all members free of charge, but non-members will need to pay a small administration charge. The items can be accessed at the museum by prior arrangement.
For further information and/or to arrange viewing of items contact barrycovey@atwellwilson.org.uk or click the Contact Librarian button below.